Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Dear Black boys and the Men they will become

A letter to Black boys and the men they will become

In these troublesome times, we find ourselves once again marching against persecution, fighting for freedom and having to force society to allow us fair representation and acceptance.

Please click here to go to my new and improved website to continue reading this letter http://www.antoinespeaks.co.uk/dear-black-boys-and-the-men-they-will-become/ 

Antoine Allen

""The three three c's  of life; choice, chance and change. You have to make the choice, to take the chance, if you want anything to change"


  1. Considering BLACK HISTORY has been concealed, misappropriated and defaced, do you think placing another name on a poem is all that big a deal. Besides COACH CARTER is a CLASSIC. Respectfully

    1. Nelson Mandela, said many great quotes and speeches. To proliferate a misquote would be disrespectful to his legacy and his actual words. Coach carter is a good film; but Nelson Mandela's words are real life. His actual quotes are more powerful and offer more knowledge/inspiration. So yes it is a big deal; unless your point is that because black history has been misappropriated its ok to place another name on a Marianne Williamson poem... BUT remember to wrongs don't make a right. Nor is that reasoning uplifting to black men. Your point basically says we should steal the words of others; which devalues our own words... plus is that the only thing you took from this whole blog.... Respectfully

  2. Beautifully presented Antoine. I have a class full of young men whom I am sure will gain inspiration from your uplifting words and very strong message, highlighting some of the major issues facing our young men. They need this. We need this. Stay Positive and Blessed. Asia Max

    1. Thank you Sister Asia, thank you for reading and even more so for commenting. please share if you found it helpful and think others would benefit from reading it

  3. Great message Antoine, thanks for sharing. I will pass this on to young men and women

    1. Thank you. I hope you have a great 2015
