Saturday, 3 May 2014

The hypocrisy of a sick world...

A man works at a factory and everyday he takes a wheelbarrow home.
Each day, he has to walk past a security guard. 
Each day, the security guard looks in the wheelbarrow and then lets him pass. The security guard suspects he is stealing something but he just can't spot what it is. 
After 50 years, he says to the man 
"look, i am retiring today, i won't tell anyone, what have you been stealing?"
"you promise not to say?"
"yes i promise, i have caught a guy stealing a pen for his daughter's homework, a few guys taking bread for their families to eat and even one guy taking tap water to clean his clothes... but you i just couldn't catch. Either you are the most honest man here or the most ingenious... "
"ok well, i have been stealing wheelbarrows all this time. I have a whole business now. I don't even need to work here."
"arghh, well too late now, have a nice day"

Sometime we look so hard for the hidden agenda, the cabal, secret organisation and conspiracy; that we miss the bigger picture and we miss the obvious. We end up demonise a man trying to survive and idolise a man exploiting the system and bleeding it dry. 

The obvious is...
We pay and respect people who entertain us more than people who educate, heal and keep us safe.
We pay politicians each year to cut jobs and keep us inline and in our places, instead of preparing us to free ourselves from this cycle of mediocrity, inequality and depression.
We fear people living the same struggles as us, with the same lack of power and think they are the ones taking our jobs.
We abuse drugs and alcohol more and then wonder why we have to wait longer at the hospital.
We support those who seek to divide us, more than those who will unite us around a common goal and struggle.
We seek headlines to show how the world is against us and then complain how the media is nothing but negativity. Forgetting that the media is a reflection on the way we perceive ourselves and our reality. 
We sit and watch other's live out fake realities on tv and then wonder why our own lives seem so boring. 
We cheer millionaires on luscious grass pitches playing with balls. 
But Jeer at Fireman, Teachers and Transport/Public Services workers striking; so they can get better pay and protect their pensions.
We say somebody should do something and forget we are somebody!
We applaud style over substance and wonder why there won't be anymore "i have a dreams"
Why? because a dream won't fit into 144 characters...

Here is why i think education is failing society and not teaching people what they need to know.

Antoine Allen 

What your thoughts? Are we living the dream? Comment below 

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